The Jesus who preaches and teaches the kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount is the same Jesus who performs miracles. Just as we met God in the beatitudes, and in the instruction as to how we can live in better relationship with God and others, now we get to meet God through the healing and restoration power he offers.

This is not just healing of sickness or disease, this is God-given, loved-fuelled healing for our whole lives. We’ll see Jesus’ authority to heal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual brokenness. We’ll see him bring peace to a storm, and we’ll see him demonstrate his power over the shadowy forces of evil.

Perhaps the most exciting thing is that he offers us that same healing for ourselves, and the opportunity to be part of taking it to others.

In this short series, we’ll take time to explore all these aspects of healing and more. We’ll look at the joys of healing, and also explore its challenges, especially why it happens for some and not others. Most importantly, we’re praying for healing encounters with Jesus.